Följande är ett meddelande från SNNC som söker hjälpande händer inför Nobelbankettens efterfest.
RECRUITMENT PERIOD FOR SNNC’s PROJECT GROUP IS NOW OPEN! We are looking for the following teams:
- Communications Team
- Coordination Team
- Corporate Relations Team
- Decor Team
- Entertainment Team
- Food and Beverage Team
- Guest and Safety Team
- Human Resources Team
Read more about the roles in the recruitment catalogue:
Follow the google form link below to apply for the Project Group of 2021!
Deadline: 19th of March 2021
What is SNNC?
SNNC involves 300 plus students from all major universities in the Stockholm area each year and there are few words that describe the Students’ Nobel Nightcap better than limitless. Because it truly is a project filled with limitless opportunities and memories for its members and a project where the old saying: “the sky’s the limit” simply does not apply.
On the tenth of December 2021, SNNC will once again open and welcome around 2000 guests to the official afterparty of the Nobel Banquet. As the doors open, the secret theme will be revealed and with the blink of an eye and all the planning and preparation will suddenly spring to life and mark the start for a once in a lifetime night for some and the peak of the chance of a lifetime for everyone involved.

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